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5 Tips to Strengthen Your Physical Body so Your Spirit can THRIVE


Our physical body houses our spirit. Our spirit yearns to create and share God's truths with others. It is with the health of our physical body that our spirit can thrive and share these truths with our family, friends, and community.

How do we strengthen our physical body? You know! We need to be getting adequate amount of sleep, fueling our body with healthy food, and strengthening our body with exercise.

I have five tips to share with you that help me in making sure I am strengthening my physical body daily.

1. Have a bed time. I try to go to bed between 10:00pm and 10:30pm each night. This allows me to get enough sleep to have a clear mind throughout my day.

2. Carry a big water bottle with you everywhere. Find a water bottle that you love and carry it with you. This will help ensure that you are drinking enough water to hydrate your body. This allows for all the functions of your body to flow and stay hydrated.

3. Exercise in the morning. In the book, High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard, he says exercise "increases your energy, exercise enables you to perform general tasks faster and more efficiently. It boosts your working memory, elevates your mood, increases your attention span, and makes you more alert, all of which  increases your performance." WOW! This is amazing! I put exercise right at the beginning of my day so I don't miss it. I know if I don't exercise in the morning, I won't do it. Therefore, every morning I spend 30 mins streaming a workout video so I don't miss out on all of these amazing benefits exercise brings to my life.

4. Start your day with a healthy breakfast. I'm still working on fueling my body with healthy food all day long but I do make sure my breakfast sets me up for the day. I make sure it is packed with proteins, fruits, and even veggies. Usually a vitamin packed shake, hard boiled eggs and fruit, or plain greek yogurt with honey and frozen fruits are my go to!

5. Meditate and Journal. This is a habit of mine that I love. I love the five minutes in the morning I have to center my mind and focus on breathing in what I want my day to look and feel like. I then spend a few minutes in prayer and journal my thoughts and inspiration I receive from my Father in Heaven. It is amazing the energy this gives me for my entire day. 

It is through these consistent daily efforts that I am providing a strong place for my spirit to thrive. What do you do daily to strengthen your physically health?

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