Reflection: Don't Move on Without It
Writing a goal and working on that goal is only part of the goal process. When working through the goal process, reflection is key.
Think of it this way. You put all your energy into creating and working on a goal but you never end up where you want to be. Why would this happen? Maybe your plan is not working. Maybe you need to try something new!
How would you know to do this if you did not take time to evaluate your efforts?
Here is where you take an inventory of your actions and ask yourself these questions:
What are my wins?
As you evaluate what you are doing right, you can continue with these efforts. You don’t want to change something that is going well and is helping you make forward progress.
Do I need to make adjustments? How can I improve?
Can the actions I am doing now be changed to help me achieve my goal quicker? Am I wasting time with this action? Is this action necessary? Am I taking any action at all? From here you look at how you can change or enhance or even get rid of an action you are doing now. If this action is not making forward progress on your goal, adjust it or get rid of it.
You may be asking, so how often do we reflect on our goals?
We like to reflect every 30, 60, and 90 days.
Our 30 Day reflection focuses on only the past 30 days. Usually there are small adjustments that can be made and progress to be seen but not much. This reflection period is still important. Here is where you ween out the actions that are not bringing you forward progress. You continue with those that are moving you forward!
The 90 Day Reflection is my favorite! This is where you can really see how you are progressing. You can see your improvements and the steady progress you are making toward your goals. It is often hard to see this progress in the 30 day reflection as goals take time and great effort to see success. The 30 Day reflection is still important as you do not want to go down the wrong path for 90 days and then make an adjustment. However, the 90 day reflection is fun and exciting as you see your overall growth and success!
We also like to take a YEAR long reflection. As you really look at each month, writing down your wins and how you made improvements, you can see exactly how you progressed and changed along the way. It is really fun and exciting to see what you can accomplish in a year!
What goals are you working on now? Have you taken the time to reflect on your wins and improvements?